Payment and Security

Prices indicated include VAT but exclude shipping costs, which will be added to the total amount of the items.


Payment must be made by credit or debit card (issued by an entity with a registered office in Spain). We are integrated into the payment gateway through the REDÝS channel, the company that maintains the largest and most reliable card payment and processing infrastructure in Spain. The order amount will be charged to your card, so you must provide us with the number, expiration date, and security code CW2 (included on the front). If your card is secured, the relevant security codes will be requested.

This data will not be stored or handled by us but will be registered directly in the payment gateway of the corresponding financial entity.

The charge will be carried out in real time through this payment gateway. If the charge cannot be made (for any reason), the order will be automatically canceled.

Once we have received the money in our account, we will proceed with the shipment of your order. For security reasons, the order is not considered effective until we have confirmation that the money is in our account.

The purchase receipt will be sent with your order, and if you wish, you can download your invoice in the "MY ACCOUNT" section.